Sunday, March 21, 2010

What's in your toothpaste?

" in fact a dangerous poison, an industrial waste containing small amounts of lead, mercury, beryllium, and arsenic. The official reason why the U.S. Government promotes the compulsory addition of fluoride to drinking water is to improve children's dental health. Which as common sense recognizes is not undermined by a shortage of fluoride, but by an unhealthy diet, insufficient dental hygiene and too many sweets... According to some experts fluoride only protects the teeth of children up to the age of 5. Since that age group comprises only a small percentage of the population it seems indefensible to force this highly controversial chemical onto everybody, irrespective of their age and dental condition... It causes fluorosis in one of every eight children, resulting mottled, discolored teeth... It is also claimed that the prolonged intake of fluoride can be linked to increased risk of cancers, hip fractures, osteoporosis, kidney trouble and even birth defects." - Healing the Gerson Way

"The late Dean Burk, Md., who had worked for more than 30 years as Chief Chemist at the U.S. National Cancer Institute, declared, "Fluoride causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster than any other chemical." - Healing the Gerson

One more quote. "To guess the truth about the claim harmlessness of fluoride, we only have to read the warning on any tube of commercial toothpaste; "Keep out of reach of children, less than six years of age. If more than used for brushing, is accidentally swallowed get medical help or contact a POISON CONTROL CENTER right away. Children two to six years; use only a pea sized amount and supervise child's brushing and rinsing to minimize swallowing." - Healing the Gerson Way

With so many toothpaste alternatives on the market not containing fluoride, purchasing the right one for you and your family is easy.
Here are some I recommend and that I find at my local Kroger, Sprouts and Whole Foods.

Kiss My Face Organic Toothpaste (what I personally use)
Tom's of Maine Toothpaste

Juneau, Alaska has decided that the risk outweighs any benefit in putting fluoride in their public drinking water. More communities are taking note, and community leaders and members should be aware of this enormous health issue.
Article on Juneau's Decision: